Montana State Legislature
Goals & Objectives
The Legislative Fiscal Division provides non-partisan budget and data analysis to the Montana Legislature, so all lawmakers have objective, accurate, and relevant information to make state financial decisions.
Goals and Objectives
Improve communication with legislators in-person and on the web to better meet the division's mission by:
- Virtual and in-person outreach to legislators to explain state financial status
- Increasing web usage by increased performance, accessibility, and information
- Continuously improving the education of legislators through:
- orientation training
- various training opportunities during the legislative session
- educational materials
- interactive fiscal products for website integration
Meeting statutory responsibilities including staffing Interim Budget Committees (six meetings per interim). Minimal data support for policy committees.
Actively participating with regional and national legislative fiscal officer associations to be on the leading edge of fiscal analytics, trends, emerging issues, and best practices
Continually invest in staff and develop their non-partisan, independent analytical skills by:
- Actively pursuing NCSL and other non-partisan training opportunities
- Improve existing and create new internal analytic tools for efficient LFD data analysis
- Build interactive visualizations for LFC
- Stabilize data sets